Not everyone is called to personally serve in remote regions like Rwamwanja in Uganda or the distant villages of Guinea-Bissau. However, every follower of Christ is called to play a role in God’s mission to reach the unreached.
Thanks to the generous support of selfless individuals, the Bible Center for Christian Leaders (BCCL) is equipping dozens of leaders to evangelize and plant churches in some of the world’s most isolated areas—ranging from the indigenous tribes of the Amazon to unreached Hindu communities in India.
God is seeking hearts willing to partner in expanding His Kingdom among those who have never heard the gospel. Will you answer His call and join us in this transformative mission?
You can make your donation online using your credit card.
Simply click on the "Give to BCCL" button below and follow the instructions to make your contribution. You will be redirected to the Global Outreach website, the mission organization that BCCL is a part of.
You can also make your donation by mail sending a check, which will also be tax deductible.
Send checks to:
Global Outreach
P.O. Box 1 Tupelo, MS 38802
Checks payable to: Global Outreach. Include a note in the check’s memo line with the BCCL fund number 5907.
We thank you in advance for your generous contribution!